How science news cycles society….
Taken from the pretty cool and funny website, PHD comics
Taken from the pretty cool and funny website, PHD comics
Children growing up in stressful and socially-disadvantaged households had altered genomes- i.e. genetic material. In a study published by Daniel Notterman and colleagues in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (, the DNA of 40 nine year old Africa-American boys was examined in relation to their upbringing. Factors including household income, family stability, … Read more
If an apple a day is meant to keep the doctor away, it probably won’t be for very long. We should now be aiming for 7 or more portions of fruit or vegetables a day, say the authors of a large public health study conducted in the UK. Out of the 65,000 adults surveyed in … Read more
My fellow scientists, you’re not alone in thinking “is it just me….”. Here is a short list of the few crazy things we do, compiled from multiple sources with a few of my own for you to enjoy! For anyone else reading this, I hope this may explain why we are the way we are … Read more